You can stop the incessant worrying, the tough love tactics, the pleading and nagging, and the emotional confrontations with your loved one – they don’t work! Learn what does work with The Freedom Model for the Family Online Program!

Gain a completely new, research-based perspective on addiction and learn how you can best help your loved one move past their addiction for good.

  • Are you seeking a solution for your loved one that makes sense to you?

  • Do you want to learn how to help your loved one in the privacy and comfort of your home? you want to solve your addictions and do so based on logic, science, credible research and positive reinforcement?

  • Do you want to learn how best to help your loved one without attending support group meetings or family addiction counseling?

  • Are you ready to abandon the recovery model that has its roots in 1935 12-step folklore, and instead choose a 21st century empowering method built on 32 years of extensive research and experience?

  • If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Freedom Model for the Family Online Program is for you.

Meet Your Instructors

Mark Scheeren, Michelle Dunbar and Steven Slate – Authors of The Freedom Model for Addictions, Escape the Treatment and Recovery Trap

Mark Scheeren

Chairman of Baldwin Research Institute

Co-Founder and Co-Author of The Freedom Model, Addictions Researcher, and Instructor

Michelle Dunbar

Executive Director of Baldwin Research Institute

Addictions Researcher, Instructor, Co-Author, The Freedom Model, and also the Author of Freedom Model for the Family

Meet Your Instructors

Mark Scheeren & Michelle Dunbar Co-Developers of The Freedom Model for Addictions, Escape the Treatment and Recovery Trap

Mark Scheeren

Chairman of Baldwin Research Institute

Co-Founder and Co-Author of The Freedom Model, Addictions Researcher, and Instructor

Michelle Dunbar

Executive Director of Baldwin Research Institute

Addictions Researcher, Instructor, Co-Author, The Freedom Model, and also the Author of Freedom Model for the Family

Pricing Options

Rebuild the Trust and Love in Your Relationship

Whether you’ve been dealing with this issue for many years, or this is your first time seeking help for your loved one, The Freedom Model for the Family Online Program will provide you with vital information about how to help your loved one that you won’t hear anywhere else.


Learn effective ways to communicate with your loved one to show you care without creating more conflict and hurt.


Free yourself from constant worry, shame, guilt, and fear that often go along with loving someone struggling with addiction.


Follow the videos and let us guide you on what you should or shouldn’t be doing to help your loved one and yourself?

The Original Non-12 Step Model

Know this: the creators of the Freedom Model for the Family all personally escaped the 12-step, diseased-based treatment model that tears families apart. 

The Freedom Model for the Family was built through more than 32 years of intensive addiction research and experience helping more than 25,000 substance users and their families to solve their addiction issues and improve their relationships. 

Your solution might be continuing to help your loved one financially, emotionally, or in other ways; or it may be to set some boundaries and limits to your relationship, or it may be to stop all communication for a period of time; or it may be some combination of these options, but as you go through The Freedom Model for the Family Online Program, the best path forward will become clear to you. Whatever choice you make, you will know you are in complete control of your life and can make decisions about your future that are best for you and your family – that is freedom! 

Let The Freedom Model for the Family Online Program guide you to freedom. 

Click Here to Enroll Now


(You must enroll to see course videos)

  1. 1
    • Freedom Model for The Family Full Digital Version

    • Family Model Online Family Program Workbook

  2. 2
    • Introduction

  3. 3
    • Addiction is Not a Disease

  4. 4
    • Addiction Language Matters

  5. 5
    • Denial Is Not What You Think

  6. 6
    • Codependence Re-examined

  7. 7
    • You Are Not an Enabler!

  8. 8
    • Mental Autonomy is Everything

  9. 9
    • Learned Connections: Examining the Underlying Causes Theory of Addiction

  10. 10
    • Letting Go of Guilt and Shame

  11. 11
    • Breaking the Fear and Worry Habit

  12. 12
    • Supporting Your Loved One

  13. 13
    • Breaking Free